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About Us

~Art For All~

Welcome To Anomalous Designs! We are here to help you with your artistic needs. Whether you need some new art to decorate a space, you are an artist who is starting up and needs help getting your name out, or a company needing some artistic or technical expertise, we are here to help with that and more. 

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Our Story

Anomalous Designs was started back in 2018 by Oliver MacDonald as a project for class. The goal of the company was simple, help artists get more traction organically while having fun making and selling art. Since then things have shifted and moved and due to classes a lot has changed

With the old ideas in mind, Anomalous Designs is not only here to help artists but also help consumers get quality art from quality artists. We also are supporting other types of creators to make a well-rounded and fun platform to find all your needs

Meet The Team

Our Clients

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